Making Sense With Your Senses

Smile at someone, anyone… just long enough until they smile in return. Smiles are infectious, give it a go!

Notice a smell – whether it is a pleasant one or not. What does it make you think of? Do you have a previous memory to associate with it?

There’s a single particular cloud in the sky you should notice today. Give it a minute of your time before it transforms or dissipates. What did it look like? Why do you think that cloud was sent just for you today?

Tell someone “Nice Job” today. Give them a compliment or encouragement. It could be a family member, co-worker or even better… a stranger. Let them know they are important and were noticed doing a great thing.

Hold a door open for someone today.

Buy a coffee for a stranger today, most likely the person standing in line behind you~ You will feel an odd and wonderful feeling as a result and you will simultaneously “make their day” and they will not only think of this for days to come, but will tell many people about it and without a doubt, will try it themself in the near future.

Make someone laugh. Use yourself as the target if you must.

Do something silly today… or something that you would consider “silly for you,” something out of your comfort zone.

Think of one thing that you are grateful for.

Think of one thing that’s bothering you the most in your life right now. Ponder and give it some appropriate time. Try to work through it from all angles and flush it out or think of a way that you can process it and move it along. Is there away to help relieve the anxiety it is causing in smaller increments? Is there an opportunity to learn or grow from this issue or concern? You may ask “Why Me?”… but maybe you can rise to the challenge and pivot this circumstance into a powerful moment of self-growth.

Notice an animal today. It could be a cat or a dog… it could be a squirrel or a bird. Watch it as long as you can. What do you suppose they are thinking about or worrying about? Do they seem peaceful? What do you think they know that you do not know?

Write a hand-written letter to someone. Take the time to get a nice piece of paper or stationary and remember what it is like to hold a pencil or pen in your hand. Carefully, creatively and slowly write a letter to someone who you know would appreciate or may be in need of such a gift. The art of letter writing is gone and trust me, this will make somebody’s day quite special.

Touch a tree. You may need to look over both shoulders first on this one because society may think this is a funny thing to do, but you’re brave and you have an assignment. Walk right up to any tree, preferably one that might be calling to you- something that looks like it has an interesting texture or unique bend perhaps. Walk right up to that tree and put your hand on it. Feel the bark and the strength and magnitude of the tree. Make sure your fingers and palm are all engaged and let that energy run through you. If you can close your eyes and feel it radiating through you, you may suddenly find yourself in a very calming state that will remain with you for awhile.

Flip around the radio station today as if you are searching for a long lost song. When you find one that sparks a distant and familiar memory, leave that song on and remember that time. Let your mind run wild as the song plays on. If you have time, see if you can find one more song and do it again. The idea is to completely be blindsided and not to choose a song from your own selection. It is important to remember things that have touched you in someway and I often find that songs have the power to put me right back in that moment of time, usually a simpler time in life… and now it has the power of nostalgia.

Spoil yourself. Eat something that is not on your “ok” list. Go ahead and buy yourself a huge ice cream cone, fudge, brownie, cookies- that one true delicious ambrosia that will teleport you to your happy place. You are giving yourself permission to go find that item and enjoy it 100% guilt-free.

Go to a restaurant or bar by yourself. This can be a downright first for many people. Get a small table by yourself if you can. Order yourself a wonderful meal and enjoy the solitude as a side dish. Use this time to reflect over the last year or five. Sip on your favorite beverage. Really and truly taste and appreciate each bite. Eat it as slowly as possible. People watch; notice what they are doing, discussing and what’s going on around you. Appreciate that the restaurant workers are “at work, working” and they are here to help you have the best experience possible. Treat the workers as if they are truly part of your special moment and use your very best manners.

Make your favorite dinner for a friend. Perhaps make something new that you just discovered and want to share. Imagine you are having the friend over to provide the most enjoyable and special meal possible, give it your all and think of the ways you can make it the very best. You could put on music that you would both appreciate. Maybe grab a few wild flowers to set on the counter. Be fun and funny while you make the meal and make sure the friend is just relaxed and comfortable. If possible, and especially if the friend insists on helping, you can give them a small task to become part of the experience, such as cutting a vegetable. They will always remember this fun, special meal and how great of a time they had with you. When the meal is over, offer a to-go container of the leftovers so they can relive the experience at work tomorrow during their lunch break. Not only will they be grateful they don’t have to put together a lunch, but tomorrow when they are eating it they will once again, remember how great of a meal and how wonderful of a time they had.

Interview a co-worker or someone you see frequently but do not know that much about… ask them questions (be the one asking the questions), get to know them. Get to know and learn about their interests and maybe even about a close family member if they choose to share. When you see this person in the future you can ask how the gardening is going or how their mother is doing since the operation. This reinforces that you are a caring and concerned individual (to both of you!)- it feels so good to surprise someone by making just a small comment each day to snap them out of their routine of just “passing by.”

Making Sense With Your Senses
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